Instagram: @genevievealthea

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Tumblr Again (and current favourites).

Been on My Tumblr again.  I seem to go through bursts of using Tumblr.  But I have enjoyed looking through photos.  Probably one of my favourite pass times. 
Current favourites:
♥ daisies (always my favourite!)
♥ winter (cannot wait! Although I wish it snowed here) 
♥ owls 
♥ the colour red
♥ chicken, honey and macadamia sausages 
♥ blogging
♥ making new friends
♥ reading (currently reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) 
♥ fresh flowers
♥ the music of Benjamin Francis Leftwich 

Life is beautiful. Finding things that inspire us and make us happy is important.  
encourage you, make time to notice the small things, and to "stop and smell the roses"- or at least do more things that you make you happy on a regular basis. ☼

Sunday, 24 February 2013


I am going through a daisy phase again.  Mind you, daisies make me happy and it makes my Tumblr look pretty. 
Oh and my daisy plant (which I thought was dead) is growing again, all pretty greens leaves.  Cannot wait for it to flower again! ☼

Thursday, 21 February 2013


So you may or may not know that I photograph weddings.

I have just uploaded the photos from the last wedding I took and I am super happy! 
See it here!

Also, see the previous wedding I shot here.

I am excited for what the future of photography holds for me. 

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

The Small Things.

I have been thinking a bit about noticing the small things lately - and how we take so much for granted.  Like in the movie Amélie, the main character (Amélie) decided to cultivate a taste for small pleasures, such has dipping her hand into sacks of grain, cracking créme brulée with a teaspoon, and skipping stones at St Martin's Canal. 

And really, I think we should all take a leaf out of her book.  And as that saying going "stop and smell the roses".  Although it's rather cheesy, I do believe they're right.  Even if you don't actually stop, but notice the small things while you're on the go.  

I try to keep this as my mentality, as it really does help you to appreciate everything around you - the things you have and the people in your life.

But, to refresh my appreciation, I have written a list of the small things I enjoy: 

Joy - (start with a couple of big things) but joy, not just the happy feeling you get when everything is good, but true joy!  The overwhelming sense you experience when things are truly grand.

Friendship - the friendship of those around me, especially those who are close to me.  No words can properly explain the gratefulness to have friends who accept me, for me.  And not just their friendship in general, but the small things they do to keep me accountable help me become a better version of myself (even without noticing they're doing it). 

Rain - first of all I probably most enjoy the way it makes things look, the trees and grass look greener and colours just look richer and more full of life.   As well as the smell.  I mean, who doesn't love that smell! (and good thing, considering it's been raining quite a lot lately)

Mail - there is this line for the movie 'Paul Blart, Mall Cop' and it's when the interrogator asks Paul Blart's daughter for her cell phone.  She confesses she doesn't have one, and then says "I prefer hand written sentiments".  To which I agree to 100%.  There is something special about letters, maybe because it is such a rare thing now that technology is insanely advanced.  But the excitement of first receiving mail, and then writing a reply, getting to use my wax seal (which I will also mention), then waiting in anticipation for the receiver's reply, then repeating the process.  I currently have two fairly constant "pen pals".  One of whom lives in China.  I think receiving mail from her is one of my favourite things - the excitement of stories being exchanged across countries, as well as the fact that she is sitting on the other side of the world, and has taken the time to write the letter by hand and not just using the internet.  I must also add, as much as I love receiving letters, there is nothing more exciting then receiving a package!  (especially if it also includes a letter). The excitement of unwrapping the package to reveal the joy it contains inside. Seriously the best. 

Wax Stamps - obviously, I love the moment after you've pressed your stamp onto the puddle of wax and lift it up - just to see the perfectly shaped embossing of your stamp.  I also love the smell of the wax as it's melting onto the envelope. 

Blankets (especially super soft ones) - okay, this sounds silly.  But I love the feeling of being all snuggled up in a cosy blanket.  Even if that means I need to turn my fan onto full blast on a (even just slightly) cool day, just so I can wrap myself up into a cocoon of blankets (only emerging for food).  

That moment when you take the perfect photo - if it's the perfect timing or just the perfect shot, in the perfect location, in the perfect situation or you are just extremely happy with a photo.  What ever and where ever it is, no matter how many times you see it, it just makes you so happy (and excited) about photography.  And it can remind you that you should keep going, even when things get tough. 

The sound cameras make when the shutter goes off - okay, so I understand that this probably won't make sense to the majority of people.  But that sound when you press the shutter button down - pure satisfaction. (also, I found a video of different shutter sounds. I can't believe it's a thing!)

The smell of freshly baked bakery items - I don't know what it is, but freshly baked goods tingle the senses. (and usually makes you hungry). 

Empty cinemas - not that I got to the cinema much anymore, but the feeling of freedom - that you can laugh as loud as you want, make obvious comments without being judged and  large array of chairs you can chose from (and get the perfect seat/view). 

Lighting matches - so i'm not the biggest fan of people playing with fire, but I do love lighting matches.  I love the second right after you strike the match and the flame flares up, as wells as the smell of matches/candles after you blow them out.  

Smiles - I love when you are out and about and someone's smile just catches your eye.  Whether it be directed at you or not.  I think it's important to smile.  This is probably weird, but sometimes I like to flash a quick smile to strangers, especially if they're looking a bit down in the dumps.  One other thing I love, is when people smile while reading books or text messages.  I don't know what it is, but seeing people happy makes me happy.  

Encouragement/Compliments - well, of course I think encouragement in general is super important.  But giving someone random encouragement as well as compliments is super important.  I LOVE giving out encouragement and compliments, especially to strangers.  Although, it has become quite a habit and I do it without thinking (but I guess that's not a bad thing) and sometimes I will give out a zillion compliments in a day.  I have had a few people compliment about how much I give encouragement and compliments. (mind you I am terrible at taking compliments. person: "compliment". me: "oh, um, thanks" *awkward feeling*.  

But I think making the effort to encourage and compliment people is important, it's something we should all do.  Because for all we know, that was exactly what the person needed to hear.  So I strongly urge you to give it a go, because it will not only make that person feel good, but you will also feel good! Trust me!

Live music - I have written about this before in my other blog.  But I absolutely love the atmosphere of live music.  For me, it feels like home.  I love just closing my eyes and soaking in the sound; let it flow through my body, tingle my ears and resinate in my bones. 

The way certain songs make you feel - i'm not sure if this happens for everyone, but for me I can get so caught up in the emotion of a song, or the way the certain song makes me feel.  Like seeing someone get so emotional over a song, or putting so much of their self into a song, or when there is a basis and meaning behind the delivery of the song.  I am very easily affected by music, any small change in pitch or tonality can really get to me.  Oh boy, can it get to me. 

There are so many other things I could list off, like dancing crazy in a public place, life changing stories exchanged with strangers, the way the sun looks as it's setting after a cloudy/overcast day and how the rays of light disperse across the sky through a big fluffy cloud, and the moments of realisation we sometimes get, and the remembering of things you had forgotten or were trying to remember.  But I will stop for now, or I will just be rambling on forever.  

I would also like to say that my Facebook Page for my photography is up and running!  So I would be so, so grateful if you would go and check it out and possibly like it.  

What I am listening to: is the Glee version of Let Me Love You.  

And I know what you're thinking - "uh glee".  But seriously, I would almost have to say that this is almost (a lot) better then the original (sorry if that offends any of you).  But in all honesty, I have listened to it practically on repeat for the past few days.  There is just something about it, and the guy has a lovely voice. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

2.52. His demeanour, is Love.

... By the 15th century, it had evolved into what it is today: A ploy from society - telling us that we constantly need to be in a relationship, that if we don't have someone to share this 'iconic' day with, then there is (pretty much) something wrong with us. But honestly, that is all nonsense! It's just another day.

One of the best things I saw during the lead up to VDay was a card saying "Happy Singles Awareness Day". Which I think is awesome! Reminding us that there are others out there. Mind you, for some this day is a special one. Spending time with the one you love. For my parents, it is the flag point for their 13th anniversary. So as much as I now think it's just another day, maybe someday in the future Valentine's Day will mean something.

But for now, I will continue to meet up with some of my friends so we can be 'together alone'. ♥

His demeanour, is Love. by Child.Like.Mind

1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us.

(more on my other blog)


A bit over a year ago a friend of mine sent me an urgent message, telling me to look at some tumblr link.  So I clicked the link to find a photo I had taken and put up the year before.  To my surprise, it had received several notes... okay, over 4,000 notes!  I was in shock.  The fact that so many people had liked, reblogged and even looked at my photo astounded me! (mind you along the way, it had been uncredited - so I had a bit of a freak out over the photo and reclaimed it as mine) 
I actually looked at the photo today and found that it now has over 6,200 notes! Which is nuts! 
It's not much, but here it is

And I know what you're thinking... as I also have - "Uh, tumblr. How lame and immature." mind you, I have had several friend's who have had a pretty goooood success rate via tumblr.  One in particular, is my friend Wafia.  Her music career is mostly accredited to tumblr and it's magical sharing/reblogging powers (and a butt load of hard work and dedication, of course).  But her covers became rather well known throughout the tumblr world and then on to the rest of the internet.  Even now, after she has released EP (you can hear Alice on Soundcloud and Spotify, get a free download of Alice on Triple J Unearthed, and you can purchase her debut album on iTunes, Amazon, and finally on Bandcamp where you can also purchase merch) she still comments on how tumblr has helped to get her to where she is.  So you never know, that could happen for YOU!

Recently my friend Savannah was over, and while she was at mine she checked her tumblr.   I may of had a cheeky look at it from over her shoulder, and then she showed it to me properly.  I was inspired.  I previously had Tumblr and used it as a platform to share my photography (before I had my Flickr), that was until I found that people weren't crediting the photos properly.  As a result, I stopped using tumblr.  

Until today. 

I have now started reblogging things that interest me, or things that I just really like.  It's nothing special, but I am enjoying it.  There are far too many things I enjoy - but that's surely not a bad thing. 

- I would also just like to say, how good are showers, shampoo, and body wash- hot water, clean hair, and cleanliness... lavender smelling cleanliness. 

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


Thomas by Child.Like.Mind
Thomas, a photo by Child.Like.Mind on Flickr.

Did a mini photo shoot with my friend Tom today. Thankfully the rain held of just long enough to take the photos. It was fun. That's all.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Changing takes time.

Well, I have moved house!  And boy, has it been nuts. 
SO MANY boxes!  So much unpacking, sorting and cleaning.  I cannot wait until things come out of their boxes and start going into their place. 

Walking out of the place we had called home for the past 5 years, it was rather sad- especially looking behind I realized that we were really leaving the shell of what made it home, and with that, we were leaving all of the woes of the past few years and entering into a new life/period of time. 

[Thanks to my Dad for taking the photos]

I am pleased, because my room is slowly being put into place and it is starting to feel more like my room again.  Although while getting things back into place, I have realized that I like to collect things- especially cameras, comic books, old books (especially the classics) and also frankie magazine. 

Oh! And I have put out my savings and gratitude jars- so hopefully that as a motivation will keep me going through this next stage in my life.  

I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to start a gratitude jar, as it is a great idea, and is always encouraging to look back and see all of the good things that have happened in your life, as well as being able to keep those moments as a reminder when things get tough.  

Because life is worth it, and you never know what is waiting just around the corner.