Instagram: @genevievealthea

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

12.52. Embarrassment

12.52. Embarrassment by Child.Like.Mind

12.52. Embarrassment, a photo by Child.Like.Mind on Flickr.

Another photo post. 

em·bar·rass·ment . /emˈbarəsmənt/ - Noun: A feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness. 

So earlier this week, I was catching the bus to the city - and just as it pulled up, I dropped my Go Card (the prepaid electronic ticket).  I bent down to pick it up and the bus' doors opened.  So I went to quickly hop on the bus (as I had made the bus wait a little and was worried it would leave) ANNND I stacked it... I tripped through the door, with my body in the bus and my legs hanging out (with only one shoe on).  And then I went to pick up my shoe, just as the doors were closing. Thankfully the bus driver opened them again! Phewwfff.  It all happened so quickly.  I got up, got my shoe as the bus driver asked whether I was okay.  The only thing I could say was "oh that was embarrassing".
And honestly, it was in shock and in a bit of pain - I ended up with a badly scraped knee (in my photo), a massive bruise on the top of my other knee, a graze on my shin and elbow, a cut on my hand and a smashed iPhone :( 

It's funny though, as much as I was shocked and as much as it hurt, the first thing out of my mouth was about how embarrassed I was. As I walked down the bus to get a seat, I didn't make eye contact with anyone, although I could feel them all looking at me *the walk of shame*  
Also, I think that being an "adult" and tripping over (or in my case, completely stacking it) is so much more embarrassing.

We have been so influenced by society that we are constantly concerned about what others think.  So much so, that it has (in a way) become an unconscious thing. I think it is something we need to change, because it shouldn't matter what others think. 
Like Dr. Seuss said - 
“Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

On another note, I reached over 1000 views on this blog! THANK YOU SO MUCH! ♥
Means, so much that people are even reading this.  When I started this blog, I never expected people to actually read it.  I just enjoyed writing a bit and blabbing on about my life haha But it has been wonderful! So thank you, again!

Also, there are still tickets left for magical forest gig on the 18th (that myself, Sav and Wafia are performing at) that I mentioned in a previous post! Check it out! 

What I am listening to: The acoustic version of Love Lies - Josh Pyke for Triple J.  It is such a lovely version of this song.  Josh Pyke has such an incredibly beautiful voice! Thank you to my friend Charmayne (who is such a babe) for showing me this! 

Thanks again! You are all such gems and I grateful for your reading abilities. 

Saturday, 20 April 2013

11.52. Onward and Upward.

"To die would be an awfully big adventure." ~ Peter Pan.

I wasn't quite sure what I was going for with this image, and it ended up being a little different to how I planned it - with no way to access certain things, and a few new ideas. But all good! 

Anyway, this is my dear friend Adam. He is a wonderful photographer, a great model, and an even better friend. 

OH! And this photo was taken at the 'Brisbane Photographers Meetup'!  A new phenomenon that I hope will catch on and become like the well known meetups in America (one day... one day!).  A bunch of us met up (most people turning up about an hour late... photographers. eh.) and then ventured on to 'the secret forest'!  After a 2.2km walk (a bloomin' long walk with all of our gear!) we finally got to an opening, and before my eyes was the place I had only heard good words about.  THE Secret Forest! It was quite beautiful. With an open field like area to out right and a creek to our left, the track behind us and the forest in front, we were spoilt for choice, location wise.  We all came to a log and pretty much collapsed (being creatives, we're not usually participants of physical activity. So y'know,  we were pretty warn out from our walk haha). Slowly, we got into action.  Organising who would work and assist on what shoot, and who would model next for who etc. - it was go time! 

- For months, I have had this idea swimming around my head.  Although I had imangined it a bit differently. 
I think I will make this a series.  So, keep an eye out! 

11.52. Onward and Upward. by Child.Like.Mind

The meet up consisted of photographers by the names of (in no particular order) - Blah.Adam (aka Adam Thomas Photography), Savvy Smiling in Love (or better known as Savvy Creative), CKing PhotographyYasMoose (aka Yaseera Moosa Photography), June July Creative and Aimée and Paul (who unfortunately don't have pages you can access). All such brilliant photographers! Definitely check them ALL out! 

It was a truly wonderful day! I cannot wait for the next meetup! 

What I am listening to: Paint - The Paper Kites. It is a gloriously beautiful song and I listened to it on repeat while editing this photo and for the past little while... okay, for quite a few hours.  Oh and Sav and I listened to it twice this morning. So, it's safe to say that I'm in love with this song! SO beautiful. 
I love The Paper Kites!!!!!!

You, Me, Music, Forest.

Brisbane-ites! Hello there! I would like to make a special mention about a gig coming up on the 18th of May.  One that myself, Savannah and most importantly Wafia will be performing at!  This gig is going to be super incredible, being held in a secret forest-like location (so secret, even I don't know yet... and i'm performing haha) and I hear the event is going to be rather beautiful, with lights in the trees and joy all around - it is an event you cannot miss out on!
With us (Wafia) opening the night, and Boss Moxi and Shady Bliss to follow, we will be celebrating the debut album of Twin Haus.  (check out the Facebook event, here).  If you're interested in buying a ticket you can get one from any of the band members (including myself! you can email me at or you can email to arrange a ticket sale.  And at only $15 a piece, it's a pretty darn sweet deal!

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Alone with Deep Thoughts.

So for the past few weeks, I have been at home, alone.  The majority of the time I have been at home by myself - giving me a lot of time to think.  Been thinking about all sorts of things.  Like responsibilities, relationships, family, friends, photography, and things from my last assignment, like my coping mechanisms, strengths and weaknesses, social roles and overall what makes me, me!  And I dare say, it was really nice to have time (completely) by myself, to think things through.  Although, it has also given me time to think about other things as well.  
It gave me way to think about some of the more negative things.  And I know for a fact, that when we think about these negative things, it can feel like we are the only person in the world who is experiencing this, that "no one would ever understand".  I guess one of the main things I have been feeling down about, is my photography (this photo kind of depicts how I was feeling).  Being surrounded by so many incredible photographers (who are doing so well at it), I started taking a second look at my photos, re-analysing them; but through eyes of harsh judgement and sadness. I thought of ways that I could change my photography style  - y'know to 'fit in' and maybe get a bit more noticed in the "commercial world".  But I couldn't shake it.  I just enjoy creating this (slightly darker looking) fine art/conceptual style that I had become so fond of.  

I also realised that I was not the only one feeling like this. 
- I was scrolling through Facebook, when I saw a post that one of the Flickr photographers (I quite admire) had posted.  He said: 
"I've said it a million times but I'm feeling particularly out of the circuit lately. Please, do not ever push yourself to change your artistic style to fit what is popular. Do what satisfies you, do what makes you feel whole. You don't need favorites or likes or comments or views for your art to complete you. Please just don't lose sight of what feels right in exchange for what everyone else tells you is right."  Steven Sites Photography
It made me realise that we all go through a time when we feel unsure of ourselves (or our creativity).  But that we shouldn't give up or give in - that we all have our own style, and that we shouldn't change it for anyone even if it feels like the easy way out. 

So, I have re-looked at this whole situation and rediscovered it for what it is.  A blessing in disguise.  It has made me realise that we aren't all the same, and that we shouldn't create to please others, but to create because it's our passion and it's what we love.  As well as the fact that those we surround ourselves with (even if they are ridiculously talented at the same things as you) shouldn't be a hindrance to your work, but an encouragement!  People to help you through these tough times, and to inspire you! 

So here I am, (still dealing with some things, but) unashamed of my photography! (Please check out my Flickr) And I would like to say "don't be afraid to be yourself, and to create freely without judgement".  

Monday, 8 April 2013

A glance over March, a peek into April, and a bit about chivalry.

Hello there! 

Haven't really made many posts lately - sorry about that. 

I thought it might be a nice idea to go over the past month and have a cheeky look at my calendar for this month, y'know so you can appear at the same events as me and whatever... oh wait. That's called stalking. Please don't do that. 

But really, I am pretty excited for some of the things that are coming up! 

First of all - March! 

March was a pretty good month, with the excitement of Wafia's tour (see the blog post for that here), the meeting of new friends and the catching up with old friends, as well as uni work, and photography, it felt like a long month. 

Oh! Almost forgot to mention Easterfest! (which was super brilliant - so many beautiful friends from all over the state, all together in one place).  The days were lovely, even with the cold and the crazy rain!  It was still great!  Especially ending with the whimsical set and sounds of Tigertown - it was seriously one of the most beautiful shows I have been to.  On entering the show we were greeted by "welcome to Narnia", and in that moment, my heart skipped a beat as I realised I was soon about to get a taste of the glorious land I (will always) long to go to.  I looked around with wonderment as the dark, stuffy tent had been transformed into a land of christmas trees, fake snow, lanterns and a row boat.  I knew we were in for a good performance.  Boy, was I right!  The sounds of Tigertown tingled my ears as the fake snow fell on the heads of those around me. 

With the festival coming to an end, a crowd of people made their way to see the wonderful Jake Nauta.  Everyone sat cosy, as his voice filled the (somewhat smelly - from the mud) arena stage.  It was a lovely way to end the weekend.  

Now April.  April has been pretty great so far!  

Last week went by fairly quickly, leading into another weekend I was excited for.  My Saturday consisted of cooking up a storm as I prepared for a feast.  6:30pm came around and one by one my friends (all dressed stunningly - beautiful materials, bow ties and elbow patches) waltzed through the door to the 20's music playing.  It was a wonderful night with classy music, food good enough to be almost preposed to, and wonderful (absolutely funny) dear friends.  I dare say, that night was "the cat's pyjamas". 

Lately I have been loving having tea times and catch-ups with friends. 

Today my friend Sav (please check out her blog. It's pretty groovy) had her first sip of Sencha Peach tea from T2 (pictured below).  Today was a lovely (somewhat rainy) day, working on assignments, listening to good music, giggling about silly things, and eating so, so much food (pretty much all we did was eat). 
I think over these past few days, I have found a new passion for hospitality. That's right, finding and preparing my #wifeskills (for the future). 

Coming up, I have several photography projects planned, as well as the mini Flickr meet up some of the Brisbane people have planned (if you're super keen to do something like that, just let me know and I can let you know details).  But I am insanely excited for it!  Have a few ideas which i'm keen to get out of my head, create and capture. (I am sure I will make a post about that day!) 

But apart from uni, and assignments, that's about it. *hope I didn't bore you. 

~ Now, a bit about chivalry ~ 

I think for some this is a touchy subject.  With the population of today's society either being unaware/oblivious or having no specific opinion about chivalry at all it's hard to know whether this is the sort of thing that is allowed to be brought up. 
I unfortunately think that chivalry is something very rare these days.  But, chivalry isn't dead!  
Boys, I think you should know that chivalry is important - so take note (also that there is a point when it can get a bit much haha).  It's all the small things that count.  
And girls, I think it is also important to remember that if a guy is being chivalrous towards you - then embrace and accept it! (Because things like that don't happen often, unless you've got yourself a good egg). 

[Cheeky calendar entry for May - is an All Ages gig in the beautiful town of Toowoomba with WafiaAutumn (an upcoming, independent band, definitely one to keep an eye on!), and another 'rumoured' bad that I may reveal at a later date ;) So if you're from Toowoomba (or keen on travelling), and free on the 11th of May, then I sure hope to see you there!]

*a little extra: 

My Tumblr looked pretty good today :) hehe

Well, I hope your Easter was wonderful and that your "study break"/holidays were full of joy, good friends, and that those looming assignments weren't too cruel. 

What I am listening to: Higher Love - James Vincent McMorrow. I used this song as the title and starting inspiration of my last photo