12.52. Embarrassment, a photo by Child.Like.Mind on Flickr.
Another photo post.
em·bar·rass·ment . /emˈbarəsmənt/ - Noun: A feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness.
So earlier this week, I was catching the bus to the city - and just as it pulled up, I dropped my Go Card (the prepaid electronic ticket). I bent down to pick it up and the bus' doors opened. So I went to quickly hop on the bus (as I had made the bus wait a little and was worried it would leave) ANNND I stacked it... I tripped through the door, with my body in the bus and my legs hanging out (with only one shoe on). And then I went to pick up my shoe, just as the doors were closing. Thankfully the bus driver opened them again! Phewwfff. It all happened so quickly. I got up, got my shoe as the bus driver asked whether I was okay. The only thing I could say was "oh that was embarrassing".
And honestly, it was in shock and in a bit of pain - I ended up with a badly scraped knee (in my photo), a massive bruise on the top of my other knee, a graze on my shin and elbow, a cut on my hand and a smashed iPhone :(
It's funny though, as much as I was shocked and as much as it hurt, the first thing out of my mouth was about how embarrassed I was. As I walked down the bus to get a seat, I didn't make eye contact with anyone, although I could feel them all looking at me *the walk of shame*
Also, I think that being an "adult" and tripping over (or in my case, completely stacking it) is so much more embarrassing.
We have been so influenced by society that we are constantly concerned about what others think. So much so, that it has (in a way) become an unconscious thing. I think it is something we need to change, because it shouldn't matter what others think.
Like Dr. Seuss said -
“Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
On another note, I reached over 1000 views on this blog! THANK YOU SO MUCH! ♥
Means, so much that people are even reading this. When I started this blog, I never expected people to actually read it. I just enjoyed writing a bit and blabbing on about my life haha But it has been wonderful! So thank you, again!
Also, there are still tickets left for magical forest gig on the 18th (that myself, Sav and Wafia are performing at) that I mentioned in a previous post! Check it out!
What I am listening to: The acoustic version of Love Lies - Josh Pyke for Triple J. It is such a lovely version of this song. Josh Pyke has such an incredibly beautiful voice! Thank you to my friend Charmayne (who is such a babe) for showing me this!
Thanks again! You are all such gems and I grateful for your reading abilities.