Instagram: @genevievealthea

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Thank You, September.

Hello wonderful people. I am sorry for my absence for the past few weeks. I will be trying to blog more often, now that things have slowed down.  But I dare say, September has been a wonderful month. So here is a long post, full of photos of happy moments from this month. 

First off, it was a month of assignments - it felt like once I had finished one, I had to start the next. One after the other, after the other. So on an so forth. BUT it was okay, because this month was evenly balanced with happy, glorious moments. 

At the beginning of this month, two of my dear friends got married. The bridal shower was super wonderful. With flowers, tea, bunting, sweets and treats, Lesley's lemon meringue pie, Buddy Holly classics, many laughs and sweet friends, it was a wonderful time. 

Not long after, was the wedding! Such a beautiful day, full of joy, sunshine, tons of laughs, dancing and wonderful friends. The wedding was at Mt. Pleasant (yep, that's it's actual name - and boy, does it deserve it!).  The ceremony was so beautiful.  When my friend walked down the isle, she looked so beautiful and happy. I had to hold back the tears. After a few words, everyone sang a few worship songs (highly appropriate, considering the couple met on the worship team).  The music itself was beautiful - the voices of the guests filling the room, the groomsmen playing guitars and the groom playing the Cajon, it was perfect. (Again, I was holding back tears). 

Introducing to the world - Mr. and Mrs. Porter! Oh Happy Day ♥

The next while was filled with assignments and small, odd jobs. Although I did have one afternoon where I stopped, listened to music and watched the sunset. It just so happened to be perfect. I couldn't help but take photos of the sunset ( I ended up taking at least 45 photos, it was just that beautiful). 

The next week, the majority of my assessment was over and things were starting to dwindle down (in the uni sense).  
I had originally planned to shoot at the Queensland Museum, with exact photo in mind. On a day off (while hanging out with Sav) we decided to scout the location for the exact spot where I would photography - only to find that they had removed the exhibit that I had planned on shooting in.  So, we decided to spend the afternoon in the museum, perusing the animals. I now know, that my fear of taxidermy isn't just in my head. I actually have a fear of taxidermy animals. I am unsure whether this is rational or irrational. In any case, it is real. 

(I did enjoy the butterflies quite a bit, though). 

Next was the RAW showcase, something I had been asked to be a part of.  It was where a bunch of local artists, performers and musicians showcased their work. It was definitely an experience. Getting ready for it was rather stressful, as I had all of my assignments due over that time.  But once the assignments were over, it was exciting to see it all coming together. I had never exhibited my work, let along printed it out - so this was all brilliant. (So is having physical copies of your work. It just feels so much more special. I recommend doing it!).  Overall, I was rather happy. I sold a few small prints, got enquiries about future works and handed out a ton of business cards! Wooooooooooo (If you would like to purchase any of my prints, or enquire about any of my work/services you can email me at

(Photos courtesy of Emily Nelson) 

Finally, was Riverfire. 
Being as blessed as we are, living in the house we are living in - we could see the fire works from our house. It was spectacular. 

The one thing I have gotten out of this month is that we don't spend enough time enjoying the smaller things in life, enjoying the special moments, the outdoors, and life itself. 

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