Instagram: @genevievealthea

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Undergoing Changes.

So I am currently undergoing changes. And no, not like that... 
The main change is that I am moving house! (although still with my parents) We are moving from the humble town of Scarborough to the uppity suburb of Ascot.  To be honest, I look at the houses on either side of our new place and think "what are we doing in an area like this? It's so ritzy" (both the houses on either side of our 'soon-to-be' house are massive). But in saying that, it feels reasonably comfortable- even with out the furniture (which is going in tomorrow!) 

We have been incredibly blessed to be able to rent this place, in this location. It has such a spectacular view of the city! 

But with the change of moving, I have decided that other changes need to be made. 

First of all, with my self.  I will be setting up two jars in my room- one which I will be filling with notes of things I am grateful for (a Gratitude Jar), and another for spare change (Savings jar), as I am saving up for a new lens (70-200).  Hopefully this will change my attitude about certain things (because honestly, we all have little attitude problems that we need to fix) and hopefully the notes remind me of the joys in my life, and hopefully the savings jar keeps me motivated to keep working at things I really want. 

I also want to really get into shape! No more saying I will, and then not doing it.  

I am going to really stick into it and work hard (or at least harder then I have been) and I am also wanting to eat better. 
Plus 'healthy' food is always so much fresher and tastier. 
So, sounds like a good deal to me- Tasty food + hot body. 
"Fitness watch out! Here I come!"

My 365. I have not completely decided, but I think after the move I will be converting it into a 52 week project.  As I have slightly struggled with the upkeep of the 365, especially during exam periods and end of year and with getting another job this year (oh and doing wedding photography) I just don't see it an option at the moment.  So i'm hoping it might take a load off and hopefully I will keep it consistent (unlike my 365).  

Finally, I am wanting to make a few changes on this blog.  Start taking more photos.  Give it a bit of a face lift and make over.  And possibly try and work out a logo or something! 

So keep an eye out! (Felt even more inspired after seeing the fresh and stunningly beautiful blog, Here Comes The Sun by long time blogger Amanda) Good changes are ahead. 

OH! One last bit. 

I have recently made a Facebook page for my photography and it would mean a bundle if you liked it and (if it's worthy) shared it with your friends. 
I am looking into photographing some more weddings. So if you're interested in a wedding/event/portrait/ANYTHING photographer- please let me know! 

For anything, you can email me at


  1. This makes me happy. There's nothing like a bit of change every now and then. Hooray for gratitude jar! And getting fit too - we should do some fitness stuff together.

    You're going in a great direction Gen and I'm beyond happy and proud of the person you are. x

    1. Oh thank you so much! And yes, thanks to Kim for the gratitude jar!
      And yes! You, me, and Hunter- every week (or at least try). And Samm wants to when she can.

      And thank you Sav, means a lot.

  2. Oh my goodness!!! your amazing and I love your photography I liked your Facebook page (ima stalker) good luck with life! I can't see what it has in store for you. I too am working on a 365! I swear were going through so much of the same things!!!

    1. Oh wow, thank you so much! That means a lot.
      And that is so cool! I urge you keep at it, even when it gets tough- because honestly, it does.
      I will be keeping an eye out for your work and I will also check out your Flickr.

  3. Yay Gen!
    You're motivation for change is really inspiring for me. In the last few weeks I've been making the effort to go outside, ride my bike and swim. Even if it feels insignificant it is just so much more enjoyable and constructive than scrolling though tumblr for hours on end.
    I can't wait to see your new place.
    I think I need a bit of reform in my life. Especially in finance, physical activity and spiritually.
    Goooood luck!

    1. Thank you Ady-Adam!
      YES! You MUST come see it. Maybe in a week or so, once we've got all the furniture in and sorted.
      Oh boy, I miss you. It's been far too long.

      And i'm glad to have inspired you! Makes this whole change thing worth it :)
      Also, if you need someone to keep you accountable (for anything), just let me know and I will do my best to keep you on track (if you want that is).
