Instagram: @genevievealthea

Sunday 15 February 2015

Creating, Rearranging and Restoring: my week of refreshment

Here I am, sitting in my dark, cool room (a little snuffly, as I am getting over the flu) feeling overwhelming refreshed. It's like when you are going on a hike to a swimming hole - the hike is excruciatingly difficult, the heat from the sun is beating down on your skin, droplets of sweat form on your brow and the desire to arrive at the swimming hole deepens. But then you arrive and jump into the water - it is tremendously refreshing and you forget all of the struggle and pain you experienced leading up to this moment. 

This is exactly how my year has felt so far (well at least the bit where I feel like i've been hiking for days and not yet reached my desired destination). - Lately I have been feeling tiresome of looking for a job and not succeeding, feeling like I should create something and then not, because I can't think of anything to do/not wanting to force it (i've been going through a bit of a creative drought) and wanting to go on adventures but haven't, due to my laziness and commitment to being a top member of the 'Stay at Home Club'.  But I think the time has come for a season refreshment - a refreshment of hope, a refreshment of faith, a refreshment of creativity and a refreshment of adventure. 

This past month I feel like I have gained a new excitement for life - I have been checking my phone less, logging on to Flickr less (as I would usually look at other's work for hours upon hours and convince myself that I was gaining "inspiration"... loljks I was procrastinating life), I have been cherishing time with friends more, driving with the windows down and letting the fresh air fill my lungs, taking time to look at the sky and appreciating the vast majesty of it all and am trying to do more creative things while I have a few weeks left of freedom before university starts. 

So, I am declaring this week a week of creating, rearranging and restoring! 
This week I am going to do as much as I can to appreciate life in it's fullest and take advantage of the time I have (rather than lay in my bed and watch vlogs and read other's blogs) AND, I am going to bring you with me. So strap yourself in and get ready for a week of potential excitement! 

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